Tuesday, June 28, 2011

This was one of my favorite photo opportunities recently: the first time I got to shoot pretty details for an event! My sisters and some other friends put together a baby shower for one of the moms from church, and it turned out beautifully! Rachel was the head cook, since she loves that, and Jenny was the decorator--with the combination of everyone's work, the food and the decorations looked wonderful! We were quite pleased with the way it turned out =)

And I was thrilled with my photos, too, as this is the first time I'd gotten to use the lens I've been raving about with my portrait sessions (my 85mm 1.8, for the photographers out there who know what that means) for details like this--and it works beautifully! I love when my camera gives me the images I envision in my head--believe me, that doesn't always happen. So I'm very excited to share these photos with y'all!

Gifts for the new baby girl!

Doesn't the food look good? If this post makes you hungry, I know my pictures are decent =)

I thought the punch looked amazing =)

Some of the food the girls put together--doesn't it look beautiful? The cupcake photo is my favorite of the day, I think =)

Rachel and Campbell doing last minute preparations in their matching aprons--from the restaurant my uncle used to own =)

The completed food presentation--the theme was pink and green and butterflies, if you hadn't caught on to that quite yet =)

The room of moms, happily chatting as we kicked off the shower.

Mckenzie watching presents being opened, and getting to sit down after helping decorate for two days =)

Well, I think the shower was a great success, and it taught me something, too--I shoot too many vertical images. I knew I liked those better than horizontally-oriented ones, but I didn't realize how exclusively I've been shooting them. Something to keep in mind as I'm shooting in the future, because they're fine for a single image (like a portrait), but when you're putting multiple images together, it looks much better to have a variety.

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