Yes, yes, it's been forever. But I've been sick + working 45 hours (6 days) a week + writing a lot + reading + a million other things. I have excuses. But I hate it when people start blog posts this way, so from now on I'm making myself a promise that I'll never do it again: I will not apologize for my absence. Though I'm also planning on getting up a little earlier and posting first thing every day, so hopefully there won't be a need =)
Anyway. I still do have some of the photos I've been talking about to share, but several of my siblings are using our internet as well, so it would take forever to upload them. They will have to wait a little longer...
But I wanted to share a song I've been listening to a lot's not a specifically Christian song, but it expresses my feelings in regards to several of my friends (and one in particular). So Sara, despite my moodiness and the way I take my frustrations out on you and everything else, this is for you and I'm sorry. And thanks for putting up with me. I seriously think of you every time I hear this song...not just because you love it, but because, as cliche as it may be, it's true of you and the way you've changed my life. <3
The song is called "For Good", from the Broadway musical Wicked. Which I have yet to see. So this is actually the Glee version, but if you absolutely hate everything Glee does, look up the original Broadway cast recording. Either way, the lyrics, combined with the beautiful music, are so powerful to me. Though they specifically refer to some of the events in the musical, the things they express are just how I feel about my friends. And I'm a sappy, romantic person who thinks everything's better when sung in a musical. So between the two, this has been one of my favorite songs recently. And y'all should go listen to it.
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