Sunday, June 5, 2011

Sarah ~ Life Goes On

It's funny when you start a blog--you think "I'll post every day, and everyone will love it, and it'll be deep and profound and funny and pretty soon I'll have an international following and be pretty much world famous!"


You'll be super excited and post all the time at first, but that'll wear off. Life happens.

I haven't quite gotten there yet, but I know sooner or later these posts will slow down. I've got millions of things to read and do and work and friends and school and such. But at the moment, I've got pictures to share =) Lots of them. So today you get two posts--this one, with another portrait session, and another one with photos of an expedition I just took yesterday (which was the reason I didn't post yesterday, if anyone was keeping track).

This is Sarah. She's twelve (I think...when I have this many siblings, it gets really hard to keep track of ages. But I'm good with names--I've got that much down). She's an for reals. I can't draw anywhere near as well as she can, and she does stuff with paint, too. It's pretty awesome. And really cool to it was fun to be a kind of artist taking photos of her the other day =)

This was the very last picture I took--we were done, and heading back inside, but she stuck her head between the two branches of one of our fruit trees and showed me how it made a cool I snapped this =) And I really like it! It's funny how the last-minute shots and the ones you didn't plan are so often your favorites.

We have (well, had...Mark mowed it down) this awesome field of tall grass in the front corner of our property--stay tuned for the next portrait post, where I used it with another sister, and I like those pictures even better than these (which I like a lot, just so you know).

The photo on the left was the "farmer" pose--stick a blade of grass in your mouth to chew on (though apparently it tasted bad) and look as country-ish as you can (the pigtail braids don't hurt anything, either) =)

So I bet you never thought of this if you weren't a photographer: it's harder to take good photos of people with glasses. This is an example: I really liked this one, but when I got inside and started editing them later, I realized I should have asked Sarah to push her glasses up a little, so the rims weren't right over her eyes. Oh well. Lesson learned.

I liked this one, but she was a little close to the pine needles. So I thought they looked a little weird. Another lesson learned.

This is the one we're using for her official portrait. I love the way our fruit trees blur in the background =)

And that's it for now. I've got to go edit some photos from yesterday, and then I'll be back with pictures of people who aren't family members =)

1 comment:

  1. The last one is my fav too! Sarah, that's a good color on you. And Rebecca, good pics again!
