Thursday, June 2, 2011

Amanda ~ My (Blog) Life Begins!

So I'm super excited to finally have somewhere (other than facebook) to post my photos =) And since I'm a writer, you'll probably get a few more words than you...may or may not...want. Because it's hard for me to shut up. Especially when there's no one to interrupt me, and I know you can just page down if all you want to see is the photos. So just consider yourself warned. I will ramble.

I wasn't sure what to start with, here, because I really don't like to just post words. It looks boring. But I hadn't taken any new photos for a while. So I was kinda at a loss. And then I finally bought Photoshop Elements for my computer, and needed new photos to edit =) So I decided to catch up on our family's yearly birthday portraits...having realized it was about time, anyway.

This is my sister, Amanda. She is six =) And completely adorable. Her favorite song right now is "When Will My Life Begin?" from the movie Tangled, so the captions here are from that song =)

Oh yeah. A few more warnings. I start an exorbitant number of sentences with the word "so," I use lots and lots of sentence fragments, and I alternate between making up my own words and abbreviations and using words that most people only read in Dickens or Shakespeare. I'm a literature major (which is probably the only reason I even notice these things...) Sorry. If any of these things bug you, feel free to gloss over anything I write. I won't be offended (mostly because I won't know). ;)

Just smell the grass! The dirt! Just like I dreamed they'd be!

Just feel that summer breeze - the way it's calling me

 For like the first time ever, I'm completely free!

I could go running, and racing, and dancing, and chasing, and leaping, and bounding

Hair flying, heart pounding, and splashing, and reeling, and finally feeling

Now's when my life begins!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited! I can't wait for the blog posts to begin flowing! Those pictures are so adorable. I love the one of her on the swing.
