Anyway. This post is NOT about The Young Victoria. It's to give you some photos from my sister's birthday party at the roller rink a little while ago. Which was super fun, even though skating was an extremely stupid idea which made me sick for quite a while. Roller skates and vertigo don't mix well together. In case you were wondering.
This is all of us. You may think we look fairly happy and normal. This is a fair deduction...if you take just this picture. The last one in this post may prove something slightly different.
Before we get there, though, I must introduce you to Livy and Mckenzie. They're next to me in this photo (second and third from the left, in the back row), and they're awesome. And they like to laugh. And I love them dearly.
I met Livy through choir several years ago...and we've been friends pretty much since then. I kinda can't remember being in choir and not knowing her. We've had many random late night conversations (filled with almost as much giggling as talking...but they're way better that way!), and great times hanging out.
She's amazing.
And I met Mckenzie in this last year, when her family started going to our church. If you couldn't tell from this picture, she's also loads of fun. And the sweetest girl you'll ever meet, especially when her southern accent comes through =)
So this is them...laughing. We do that a lot.
I happen to think that couch is kinda awesome, too. Anyway. This next photo is my sister Rachel, who you met a few posts ago, and our awesome friend Grace. I think this is when they're texting someone...using someone else's phone. If either of those someones read this, they know who they are. For the rest of's really not your business.
But it was immensely entertaining. And quite typical of their interactions with the outside world...meaning, it was hilarious and they laughed very hard. As did the rest of us.
This is the photo that demonstrates our true selves. Yeah. We're more crazy than you thought.
But we're awesome. If I do say so myself.
Oh, and these photos were all taken by my mom...not me. In case you were wondering. We'll return to my photos next time. These were too priceless not to share.
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