Friday, June 3, 2011

Katherine and Michael ~ a.k.a. "The Adorable Ones"

So Katherine is 2. And it's not her birthday. It wasn't just her birthday. And it won't be her birthday for another five months. In fact, I just took her portrait a few months ago. But she loves the camera. Like seriously, she loooooves the camera. She likes getting her picture taken, but what she really likes is seeing the picture--on the camera or, even better, on the computer.

Michael, on the other hand, has gotten a little camera-shy recently. And no, it hasn't been my fault, cause I haven't had it around here too much lately, with work and school and all. But he's at the point where he starts crying if he thinks about it too much. So efficiency is key with his portraits...and I don't have quite as many shots of him as I usually would for an "official" portrait. The others are candids from the other day when he and Katherine were showing off =)

Yep. They're adorable.

This is the "I'm only letting you take a picture so I can see it, and I only said you could take ONE!" face =)

Katherine's favorite thing to do is show the camera things...socks, animals, blocks, olives, name it.

I love getting a real smile from him =D

He decided to oblige me and stop crying, and then voluntarily put his truck in the picture! It was a very happy moment =) 

I've been trying to figure out which one of these is better, to use as his official portrait for our wall...any thoughts?

And this is my favorite...ever since she was born, she's had the most amazing big blue eyes...sooooo photogenic =) I take advantage of it frequently, so she will grace these pages often.

And that's it for tonight...I just went to a lovely high school graduation for one of my best friends in the area, and I have a full day tomorrow...and there's this movie. Soooo...hopefully there will be another post up tomorrow!

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