In other news, life goes on. Lots and lots of work. So it's been a busy summer, but a really good one. Today I start taking care of one of my neighbors' farms...meaning 4 horses, 2 dogs, 3 cats, a peacock, and innumerable chickens and bunnies. Oh, here's an opportunity to show you one of my favorite pictures ever =) It's of Pegasus, one of the younger horses there. I actually took it a couple years ago, but it's stayed close to the top of my "favorite pictures" list.
Isn't he gorgeous? This was when I was feeding them one summer, and the sun had just come up so I had amazing light...
Anyway, since I'm thinking about animal portraits, here's a few more I've taken in the past couple years that I really like =) None of the animals pictured belong to my family, in case you were wondering. We have one Persian cat, and he's not usually in the mood for photo shoots.
This is a random little bird in DC, watching me eat lunch with my mom a couple years back =)
I'm a little proud of this picture, since it was not taken on my SLR, but my family's old point-and-shoot =)
This is another random bird, but this time on the shores of Lake Michigan. But I'm pretty sure he wanted food, too.
This guy liked to hang out on the porch of our bungalow in Thailand. Yes, bungalow. We stayed at this hotel/resort where instead of rooms like normal, we got our own private bungalows. Made of bamboo. It was awesome =)
And this is quite possibly the most compliant animal I've ever taken a picture of (with the exception of my friend Amy's dog). Seriously, he basically posed for the camera. DC animals seem to like my camera =)
Anyway, that's all for now...even if I don't have new pictures, I've got something like 4500 on my computer that I could share with y' I will no longer use that as an excuse to not post =)
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