Yes, that was a joke. I like people to read makes me happy inside. As my friend would say, "It makes me giggle." It's a good thing.
I'm tired...can you tell I had a midterm today? Plus Latin I'm at Wegmans, completely not motivated to study any more. I have basically no classes tomorrow, so I feel justified in taking a break.
Anyway, the point of this post (yes, there actually was one) was to put up the pictures from our hoedown last Saturday night =) Just a warning: we have this dance in a barn. A barn with absolutely NO overhead lighting. So they're not great pictures. But they're fun, and they show you a) that I did, in fact, go to the hoedown, and b) that I do, in fact, still take pictures =) So here goes:
There was a community potluck or something like that going on when we got there, so we couldn't start the dancing right we decided to take advantage of this standing-around time to take pictures =)
There was also an adorable puppy running around, making us all happy...
Then we got to dance! We listened to country music for like three hours was wonderful =)
Some people danced, some...stood around watching (i.e. being lame)...

And some people are just incredible dancers...every time Megan and her brother dance, I want to teach my brother. And then I remember that he's 14 and would probably rebel...But in the absence of a satisfactory brother to dance with, can I mention how handy other people's flashes can be? My only real light was from the source you can see in the top left of the next photo...not much for a huge barn =P (Also, because it's annoying me right now, may I say how troublesome blogspot can be at times? It's a wonderful tool...but it doesn't work perfectly with a pleasing arrangement of photos =P)
Oh, and if you hadn't gotten this...there was a lot of plaid =) PHCers actually look good in plaid...this is one dance we have no problem dressing up for =)
Awesome girls =) Can you guess which one's my RA? (I'll give you a hint...she's having fun with the it now?)

We ended the evening with live music from our band (christened by some "Tater and the Tots") and was wonderful =) I don't have pictures of some of the most fun dances, like the Virginia Reel...cause I was dancing them...I also learned to cha-cha--it was a very exciting and altogether enjoyable evening =)
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