Sunday, January 22, 2012

First Days...

For some reason, the song "Stop and Stare" by OneRepublic has been running through my head for the last week and a half. I would say it was the theme song for the beginning of my time here at Liberty, except that it doesn't really relate to how I've felt...but it's a cool song anyway =) Just not one that expresses my combined excitement about being here and sadness about leaving PHC and my wonderful friends take that as you will =) Go listen to it if you's a good song!

Anyway, this is really more of a personal post than a photographic one...since these aren't particularly exceptional pictures =) But I just had to demonstrate my neatness (some might call it over-achiever-ness/control-freak-ness) in packing up all my stuff...I was extremely proud of myself...and here are the results:

Boo.Yah. ALL MY STUFF. (except my favorite jeans that I accidentally forgot. but ignore that). And look how neat it all is! Aren't you proud of me, too? 

Here's another view, just so you can better see my achievement =)

We had to kill time on our way out (so Mom could pick something up at the library), so we stopped at Market Street and Tropical Smoothie (both of which I highly recommend) for our "happiness in a cup" to help us stay awake--hey we had to get up at like 8 am!! That's pretty early, when you've been on break for three weeks... =) 

Rachel already had her HAPPY cup from neither establishment can take credit for that...

And that's the extent of my pictures from the day...I think my mom took a few more, but these are the only ones on my camera...

Oh, except the view that greeted me my first night in my new room! We had a beautiful sunset, after a gross day of cold rain...

I do believe this was a promising start...

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