It's homecoming week! Events start tomorrow...which means I'll have a ton of pictures to put up over the next few days (though I'm sure I'll get behind, so don't expect them like every night...I still have school to do here). I also have pictures from a coffee shop excursion on Saturday, but those are gonna wait for a little while, till the article for which they were taken has been published. So that's what you have to look forward to, if you were wondering.
I'm listening to Steven Curtis Chapman's new album, re:creation. It's good =) I kinda like the originals of most of the songs better, but these are good too. And I like the new ones on the album. I forgot about SCC for a while (despite having seen him in concert three different times...), and remembered how good his music was again recently. God has given him so much's awesome.
Glee wasn't amazing tonight. It should have been. But it wasn't bad. My favorite character sang "Something's Coming," from West Side Story...which is an amazing song =) So that was fun.
My friends are trying to get me hooked on so many different shows...Project Runway, Pan Am, and Once Upon a Time, among others. Besides all the shows I already watch. 'Cause I need more ways to waste time...not.
People talk a lot faster than I can type. I've been transcribing an interview for someone, and I didn't realize how much of a difference there is.
My POTS is getting a little better, which is a huge praise! I went to my cardiologist yesterday, and my heart rate's down a little bit, and my blood pressure doesn't drop as much as it used to when I stand up =) Small improvements, but it's still nice to know something's changing!
There's an amazing concert this weekend, for anyone in the DC area, right here at the PHC campus. It's called Mission Abolition, and is raising money for an amazing cause...and you should come! Check it out at
And last but not least, if you've made it this far, your one picture of this post. Rachel is generally awesome. She made me the smoothie I'm drinking now, cause I was too lazy to get up and do it myself. Rachel also got a Nerf gun for her birthday, so she created a gallery of pictures on our bedroom wall for targets...this is the result:
This reflects her opinion of certain celebrities, not mine. Just in case you were wondering.
Anyway. Try not to step on a frog today! (Believe it or not, that can be challenging for some of us...they hide in the grass by our sidewalk at night and jump out in front of me when I'm coming home from's always an adventure getting inside). =)